Maintaining Privilege: Litigation Communications- Establishing privilege between a legal team and a litigation communications team is only the first step. Before you can start to work, the following four best practices must be put into place: 1. Establish clear communications channels for exclusive use by the legal and communications teams and exclusively for the case/client in question. 2. … Read More
Establishing Privilege: Litigation Communication- Strategic communications efforts such as media outreach, publication of OpEds and owned media/social media activity is legal so long as these efforts serve the overarching legal strategy. However, privilege in litigations communications is not a given and must be established. In Calvin Klein Trademark Trust v. Wachner, privilege was not granted in part because the… Read More
ANACHEL POSITION OPENING- EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT TO CEO ABOUT THE FIRM ANACHEL is an integrated and solutions-driven communications, branding, and reputation management firm. The firm brings unparalleled senior-level expertise, innovation, insights, and counsel to their clients. The firm specializes in reputation management, brand-building and problem-solving within the professional and collegiate sports, higher learning, legal, oil and gas, and entertainment… Read More
Media Relations and Litigation Communications- “Dealing with the media in a high-profile case probably is not a matter for amateurs...Lawyers cannot be faulted for concluding that professional public relations advice was needed.”–Judge Lewis Kaplan of the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York re: grand jury The higher profile the case, the more requests for comment are… Read More- Access is Key to Unlocking Litigation Communications Expertise- The biggest mistake legal teams make when engaging a litigation communications expert is failing to give access. Access to all relevant members of the legal team and transparency regarding the legal strategy is key to unlocking litigation communications expertise. With privilege in place, the legal team can safely do the following: 1. Provide the… Read More
Hiring a Media Expert for Litigation Communications- “[T]he ability of lawyers to perform some of their most fundamental client functions...would be undermined seriously if lawyers were not able to engage in frank discussions of facts and strategies with the lawyers’ public relations consultants.” -- Judge Lewis Kaplan of the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York regarding grand jury.… Read More
The S.A.F.E. Resource Guide- Our team is working with public and private sector officials and communications experts to develop strategic and crisis communications guidelines as well as media best practices that support your back-to-work operational plan. New health and safety protocols are only one half of the equation: policies may keep your constituents safe but, without carefully constructed narratives,… Read More
Helping Litigators Win in the Court of Public Opinion- “A defense attorney may pursue lawful strategies to obtain dismissal of an indictment or reduction of charges, including an attempt to demonstrate in the court of public opinion that the client does not deserve to be tried.” Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy re Gentile v. State Bar of Nevada Is it inappropriate to engage a… Read More
Litigation Communications v. Strategic Communications- Litigation Communications is a specialty within strategic communications. Litigation communication strategies are laser-focused plans created in lockstep with legal strategies prior to, and throughout high-stakes legal disputes. They are designed to establish and protect proper narratives and defend an individual, company, or organization facing a legal action. As public exposure of court cases has increased,… Read More
When the boss is accused of sexual harassment companies must be prepared to take quick action- Any smart company already has a crisis communications plan in place. Corporate crisis plans, however, tend to rely on how to best manage external threats to the company and potential operations flaws that put the company in legal jeopardy. Few companies have serious plans on how to manage potentially destructive behavior by its executives and… Read More
What’s on the record? A guide for executive interviews- Business executives are often pressed into service to speak to reporters about high stakes business issues. This can be part of a sound strategy to set the record straight and communicate with primary audiences. After all, the chief executive is where the buck stops and often a company’s most credible voice. However, it’s a dangerous… Read More
Creating Effective Core Messages- How are Messages Created? The message development process cannot be done in a vacuum. It requires time and the direct input from the C-suite and obviously must be consistent with the organization’s vision and overall strategy. The best way to generate key messages for an organization is by conducting a facilitated SWOT analysis to discuss… Read More
5 Critical Anachel Ways NCAA and NFL Football Coaches Can Secure and Protect Their Brand, Reputation, and Career- This year at the American Football Coaches Association and the Senior Bowl the Anachel team discussed the importance of coaches shedding their old school mentality of, “The film doesn’t have sound,” when it comes to talking about themselves as well as the importance of taking control of and carefully managing their own brands and reputations. … Read More
Tech Talk Tuesday: Get That Crud Off Google- THE IMPORTANCE OF OWNED MEDIA Have you ever longed to scrub an awkward or even damaging picture of yourself from the internet or social media? Are you stressed that there’s an embarrassing image or video of you that a recruiter, search firm or potential employer might find on the first page of Google? You’re not… Read More
The Scary Digital Divide For Children- A digital divide is taking place in our country: Children in more affluent areas are spending much less time on screens and phones than kids in less advantaged communities. New York Times’ writer Nellie Bowles discusses with leading digital experts in her article: “The Digital Gap Between Rich and Poor Kids Is Not What We Expected.” Dr. Richard Freed,… Read More